Having a brief is really important. However a brief that is too long or too short can have disadvantages.
Having a brief is really important. However a brief that is too long or too short can have disadvantages.
Paul Lawrie, Director
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Having a brief is really important. However a brief that is too long or too short can have disadvantages. Of course we want as much creative freedom as we can get but we also need to make sure we give you what you want without going completely off route (following the birds in our heads). However give us pages of information and we’ll feel trapped, and not share our own expertise with you – and that’s ultimately what you’re paying for.
So here’s some tips on what you should try to include when writing your next brief…
1. Who are you? What area of business are you in?
We don’t need to know all your facts and figures – what we really want to know is some background about you and your business.
Why you’re passionate about your business?
What your provide?
How you see you’re business growing and from your current position.
2. Who is your target market or audience?
Knowing who you want your business to appeal to is really helpful it contributes in defining the style of the designs we create for you.
Describe the typical person who uses your business (age, gender, job)
Name us three key words you want your business to be. For example: young, fun and energetic
3. Who is your competition?
You want to stand out against your competition so knowing who you’re up against can really help us develop a unique design for you.
What makes your business distinctive against your competition?
Who is your top competitor and what do they do well/not so well?
4. What image do you want to portray?
How do you want others to perceive your business? For example if you’re a retail company: do you want to portray a high end image?
What colours do you like/dislike – (maybe you want to stay away from colours your competition use)
Let us know if there are any fonts you like or hate
Create a mood board – imagery is a great way of showing what you mean
5. What is your budget?
Letting us know your budget can define the number of different options we can show you. If you’ve got a small budget, having a thorough brief can mean we can do your work within your budget. If you have a larger budget and it gives us the opportunity to present you with more options.
Make a decision of how many logo options you would like us to produce and include this in your budget
Let us know if you’re flexible in your budget
You’ve reached the end, we hope that was helpful and we look forward to receiving you’re brief soon.
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